Saturday 13 June 2009

Edinburgh Waverley, the maze of a railway station

This is my latest gripe about Britain’s railways, today I went to Edinburgh, I was SUPPOSED to meet a group of people at a bar in Waverley station but I could NOT find it, then on my way back my return train, where I am now was SUPPOSED to part from platform 11, but platform 11 was poorly signed and located on the other side of the  station I entered at, where I didn’t see it at first, but I found it.

Now, who the hell designed the layout of that station as it currently is? Probably some dipstick at British Rail did it all them years ago, so I’ll blame them

Now, just off the subject of that station, I’m passing roughly close to the site of the now abandoned Penmanshiel Tunnel, but that’s something for another day


Happy Journeys :)